15607 rank

58,925 points

90 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ulrick the Pluck    The Blue Rose
Langendorn 14205 Ulrick the Pluck The Blue Rose 139,967 247
Ulrick the Pluck    🌸Sentient Petunias
Noarsil 15009 Ulrick the Pluck 🌸Sentient Petunias 87,439 146
Ulrick the Pluck    EU 🇪🇺
Arvahall 21230 Ulrick the Pluck EU 🇪🇺 85,935 178
Ulrick the Pluck   
Uceria 15736 Ulrick the Pluck 65,924 191
Ulrick the Pluck    Moose Trading Post
Dunarsund 18604 Ulrick the Pluck Moose Trading Post 59,375 88
Ulrick the Pluck    Four Rivers
Odhrorvar 15607 Ulrick the Pluck Four Rivers 58,925 90
Ulrick the Pluck    Irish Regency
Xyr 18707 Ulrick the Pluck Irish Regency 48,432 55
Ulrick the Pluck    The Flock
Zorskog 16589 Ulrick the Pluck The Flock 43,118 109
Ulrick the Pluck    Army of Chill
Birka 13335 Ulrick the Pluck Army of Chill 42,232 129
Ulrick the Pluck   
Carthage 12309 Ulrick the Pluck 37,860 58