135 rank

1,731,027,694 points

543,455 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rakk The Godless   
Odhrorvar 135 Rakk The Godless 1,731,027,694 543,455
Rakk The Godless   
Rugnir 6992 Rakk The Godless 5,429,035 5,158
Rakk The Godless    Sweetness
Brisgard 12224 Rakk The Godless Sweetness 1,161,698 1,691
Rakk The Godless    Godless Heathens
Fel Dranghyr 11125 Rakk The Godless Godless Heathens 887,135 1,283
Rakk The Godless    The Diogenese Club
Yorkton 11712 Rakk The Godless The Diogenese Club 453,435 676
Rakk The Godless    Godless Heathens
Greifental 13090 Rakk The Godless Godless Heathens 330,219 762