13317 rank

178,638 points

444 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Avelon in the Myst    Funtime
Rugnir 6509 Avelon in the Myst Funtime 7,109,642 3,194
Avelon in the Myst   
Uceria 9077 Avelon in the Myst 1,658,908 1,289
Avelon in the Myst    The Outcasts
Vingrid 10463 Avelon in the Myst The Outcasts 840,388 1,114
Avelon in the Myst    Hell's Executioners
Walstrand 10979 Avelon in the Myst Hell's Executioners 462,090 741
Avelon in the Myst    Crimson Tide Warrior
East-Nagach 13138 Avelon in the Myst Crimson Tide Warrior 446,519 753
Avelon in the Myst    DaForgers
Yorkton 12078 Avelon in the Myst DaForgers 386,637 560
Avelon in the Myst   
Greifental 13067 Avelon in the Myst 327,152 826
Avelon in the Myst    The Destroyers
Angkor 12219 Avelon in the Myst The Destroyers 270,824 651
Avelon in the Myst    Newbies
Houndsmoor 15173 Avelon in the Myst Newbies 226,711 756
Avelon in the Myst    The EverFree
Jaims 13957 Avelon in the Myst The EverFree 209,085 494
Avelon in the Myst    Expeditions
Langendorn 13575 Avelon in the Myst Expeditions 187,831 535
Avelon in the Myst    Ghost Ship
Odhrorvar 13317 Avelon in the Myst Ghost Ship 178,638 444