17820 rank

22,946 points

45 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Penelope 854 the Lucky    MTU
Houndsmoor 18187 Penelope 854 the Lucky MTU 64,915 6
Penelope 854 the Lucky    Phoenix
Rugnir 16557 Penelope 854 the Lucky Phoenix 47,747 8
Penelope 854 the Lucky   
Zorskog 17501 Penelope 854 the Lucky 28,310 21
Penelope 854 the Lucky    King Arthers Revenge
Jaims 18845 Penelope 854 the Lucky King Arthers Revenge 24,290 84
Penelope 854 the Lucky    Omega
Cirgard 20786 Penelope 854 the Lucky Omega 23,223 26
Penelope 854 the Lucky   
Parkog 17820 Penelope 854 the Lucky 22,946 45
Penelope 854 the Lucky   
Walstrand 17645 Penelope 854 the Lucky 21,451 40
Penelope 854 the Lucky    Trade First
Yorkton 19303 Penelope 854 the Lucky Trade First 20,911 38