6050 rank

8,853,874 points

9,149 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Queen Shay7    Harbingers of Sorrow
Mount Killmore 2363 Queen Shay7 Harbingers of Sorrow 101,365,660 60,508
Queen Shay7    Followers of Christ
East-Nagach 5276 Queen Shay7 Followers of Christ 20,828,807 18,761
Queen Shay7    Followers of Christ
Qunrir 5590 Queen Shay7 Followers of Christ 12,164,668 11,274
Queen Shay7    OutKasts
Xyr 5891 Queen Shay7 OutKasts 11,306,860 10,950
Queen Shay7    Jesus is Lord!
Parkog 6050 Queen Shay7 Jesus is Lord! 8,853,874 9,149