3577 rank

29,515,425 points

4,123 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arthur 454 the Hawk    Blue Panthers
Noarsil 442 Arthur 454 the Hawk Blue Panthers 532,019,743 89,140
Arthur 454 the Hawk   
Yorkton 1904 Arthur 454 the Hawk 75,483,569 6,983
Arthur 454 the Hawk   
Parkog 3577 Arthur 454 the Hawk 29,515,425 4,123
Arthur 454 the Hawk   
Jaims 3860 Arthur 454 the Hawk 27,781,928 6,404
Arthur 454 the Hawk    Quiet and Peaceful
Fel Dranghyr 4348 Arthur 454 the Hawk Quiet and Peaceful 23,542,281 5,481
Arthur 454 the Hawk    Nobody’s Darlings
Dilmun 1002 Arthur 454 the Hawk Nobody’s Darlings 15,257,025 11,117
Arthur 454 the Hawk    Quiet and Peaceful
Zorskog 5205 Arthur 454 the Hawk Quiet and Peaceful 8,875,809 5,185
Arthur 454 the Hawk   
Uceria 6133 Arthur 454 the Hawk 8,296,363 3,149
Arthur 454 the Hawk    Quiet and Peaceful
Greifental 6946 Arthur 454 the Hawk Quiet and Peaceful 6,775,878 4,472
Arthur 454 the Hawk    Quiet and Peaceful
Angkor 6833 Arthur 454 the Hawk Quiet and Peaceful 3,241,897 3,454
Arthur 454 the Hawk    ⏱ Time Travelers 🛸
Walstrand 10245 Arthur 454 the Hawk ⏱ Time Travelers 🛸 729,749 1,356