7926 rank

2,770,811 points

2,815 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PhoebeGirl    Freedom Knights
Arvahall 1540 PhoebeGirl Freedom Knights 235,973,632 49,014
Parkog 7926 PhoebeGirl 2,770,811 2,815
Walstrand 7646 PhoebeGirl 2,765,003 3,078
PhoebeGirl    Lazy Fare
Brisgard 11787 PhoebeGirl Lazy Fare 1,334,765 2,347
PhoebeGirl    The Pridelands
Korch 12462 PhoebeGirl The Pridelands 413,747 924
PhoebeGirl    Pegasus(Birka)
Birka 11193 PhoebeGirl Pegasus(Birka) 112,559 283