12566 rank

262,220 points

214 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
San Juan the Enlightened   
Odhrorvar 3014 San Juan the Enlightened 58,326,302 10,141
San Juan the Enlightened    WytchWood
Dunarsund 14597 San Juan the Enlightened WytchWood 324,668 460
San Juan the Enlightened    Nightstalkers
Parkog 12566 San Juan the Enlightened Nightstalkers 262,220 214
San Juan the Enlightened    My Quest
Fel Dranghyr 14672 San Juan the Enlightened My Quest 190,670 129
San Juan the Enlightened    The FoEs
Xyr 20624 San Juan the Enlightened The FoEs 23,526 47