8509 rank

1,943,574 points

964 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sophocles 1084 the Bold   
Dunarsund 9393 Sophocles 1084 the Bold 2,923,510 1,145
Sophocles 1084 the Bold    Gotham's Finest
Greifental 8657 Sophocles 1084 the Bold Gotham's Finest 2,821,248 1,043
Sophocles 1084 the Bold    Wildpack
Langendorn 8249 Sophocles 1084 the Bold Wildpack 2,817,181 1,333
Sophocles 1084 the Bold   
Qunrir 8221 Sophocles 1084 the Bold 2,610,551 1,129
Sophocles 1084 the Bold   
Odhrorvar 8251 Sophocles 1084 the Bold 2,383,054 1,025
Sophocles 1084 the Bold   
Yorkton 8206 Sophocles 1084 the Bold 2,375,656 1,455
Sophocles 1084 the Bold    ♗ Ctrl Alt Delete ♗
Noarsil 8403 Sophocles 1084 the Bold ♗ Ctrl Alt Delete ♗ 2,311,549 734
Sophocles 1084 the Bold   
Mount Killmore 10175 Sophocles 1084 the Bold 2,006,378 820
Sophocles 1084 the Bold    Good Folk
Parkog 8509 Sophocles 1084 the Bold Good Folk 1,943,574 964
Sophocles 1084 the Bold   
Zorskog 9034 Sophocles 1084 the Bold 1,224,019 638