4795 rank

18,205,259 points

3,326 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Golf1234    Yorkton crack
Yorkton 2126 Golf1234 Yorkton crack 86,296,990 8,748
Vingrid 4724 Golf1234 DOTHRAKI TRIBE 18,986,144 3,146
Golf1234    Hunters United
Parkog 4795 Golf1234 Hunters United 18,205,259 3,326
Golf1234    lunar wolf
Uceria 4985 Golf1234 lunar wolf 16,747,809 3,650
Golf1234    Guild 2
Tuulech 5032 Golf1234 Guild 2 15,223,351 3,164
Golf1234    The New World
Dunarsund 6488 Golf1234 The New World 12,214,834 2,966