4709 rank

18,952,064 points

4,685 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Daphne 1077 the Merciful   
Parkog 4709 Daphne 1077 the Merciful 18,952,064 4,685
Daphne 1077 the Merciful    Free world
Uceria 8282 Daphne 1077 the Merciful Free world 2,670,590 2,082
Daphne 1077 the Merciful    by myself
Walstrand 7824 Daphne 1077 the Merciful by myself 2,497,452 2,368
Daphne 1077 the Merciful    Fun Game Guild
Xyr 9328 Daphne 1077 the Merciful Fun Game Guild 2,121,973 1,802