5803 rank

9,641,368 points

1,548 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
snarfy1    dimene_e_axe
Houndsmoor 6015 snarfy1 dimene_e_axe 13,199,221 1,502
snarfy1    Brave
Dunarsund 6596 snarfy1 Brave 10,898,581 1,204
snarfy1    Legion of Dragons
Parkog 5803 snarfy1 Legion of Dragons 9,641,368 1,548
snarfy1    The Great Ones
Korch 6776 snarfy1 The Great Ones 6,914,477 1,107
snarfy1    Chillaxin
Xyr 8815 snarfy1 Chillaxin 2,729,124 764