7885 rank

2,812,044 points

1,232 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Tone of QB   
Arvahall 8356 The Tone of QB 8,304,276 2,346
The Tone of QB   
Dunarsund 7514 The Tone of QB 7,299,703 1,841
The Tone of QB    Constitutionalists
Brisgard 8508 The Tone of QB Constitutionalists 5,600,909 1,629
The Tone of QB   
Houndsmoor 8305 The Tone of QB 4,609,147 1,190
The Tone of QB    Antrockville
Korch 7644 The Tone of QB Antrockville 4,389,943 1,442
The Tone of QB   
Fel Dranghyr 8123 The Tone of QB 3,913,703 1,395
The Tone of QB   
Noarsil 7618 The Tone of QB 3,775,687 1,022
The Tone of QB   
Yorkton 7826 The Tone of QB 2,961,562 923
The Tone of QB    Shadow Hunters
Parkog 7885 The Tone of QB Shadow Hunters 2,812,044 1,232
The Tone of QB   
Vingrid 8130 The Tone of QB 2,775,059 909
The Tone of QB   
Xyr 8961 The Tone of QB 2,544,036 849
The Tone of QB    NoKoMpRoMiSe
Zorskog 18091 The Tone of QB NoKoMpRoMiSe 24,262 66