432 rank

688,247,397 points

179,625 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Waldemar the Wise    Zero = 0
Parkog 432 Waldemar the Wise Zero = 0 688,247,397 179,625
Waldemar the Wise    Benevolent Vikings
Arvahall 2941 Waldemar the Wise Benevolent Vikings 99,686,398 58,883
Waldemar the Wise    Scipio Africanus
Carthage 6253 Waldemar the Wise Scipio Africanus 621,689 4,359
Waldemar the Wise    Friends & Neighbors
Cirgard 18499 Waldemar the Wise Friends & Neighbors 57,220 393
Waldemar the Wise    League of Nomads
Yorkton 17024 Waldemar the Wise League of Nomads 52,296 401