9961 rank

938,405 points

1,966 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Trey1974    Only Cool Kings
Angkor 6717 Trey1974 Only Cool Kings 3,497,155 3,013
Trey1974    ghosts 43
Brisgard 12091 Trey1974 ghosts 43 1,151,480 1,946
Trey1974    From the Ashes
Jaims 10708 Trey1974 From the Ashes 944,413 2,063
Trey1974    Infinito
Parkog 9961 Trey1974 Infinito 938,405 1,966
Trey1974    Domination by Force
Dunarsund 14442 Trey1974 Domination by Force 378,263 1,101