367 rank

690,485,833 points

113,675 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
OldHead FPV    ⭐️MSG💎FOE⭐
Parkog 367 OldHead FPV ⭐️MSG💎FOE⭐ 690,485,833 113,675
OldHead FPV    Stumble Out
Greifental 4406 OldHead FPV Stumble Out 26,451,171 17,929
OldHead FPV    Paladin
Dunarsund 5078 OldHead FPV Paladin 21,826,986 18,210
OldHead FPV    ⚔️Mount’s Finest⚔️
Mount Killmore 5338 OldHead FPV ⚔️Mount’s Finest⚔️ 18,529,435 16,933
OldHead FPV    Let the big dogs eat
Dilmun 3907 OldHead FPV Let the big dogs eat 771,719 874
OldHead FPV   
Jaims 18742 OldHead FPV 29,323 75