11929 rank

346,904 points

975 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kowal    Relax and chill
Parkog 11929 Kowal Relax and chill 346,904 975
Jaims 15341 Kowal 114,537 429
Kowal    the golden one
Arvahall 21549 Kowal the golden one 79,846 130
Kowal    Dragons Reborn
Sinerania 16059 Kowal Dragons Reborn 53,525 150
Cirgard 18806 Kowal 51,536 133
Kowal    The Outcast
Houndsmoor 18854 Kowal The Outcast 50,773 150
Kowal    Band Of Scholars
East-Nagach 18252 Kowal Band Of Scholars 50,438 135
Kowal    Dragon Fire
Vingrid 16796 Kowal Dragon Fire 48,053 119
Kowal    RedDragonElite
Xyr 18859 Kowal RedDragonElite 46,794 194
Kowal    Marines united
Brisgard 21440 Kowal Marines united 38,406 104