13255 rank

198,319 points

247 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DrRobert    Type I agenda
Fel Dranghyr 918 DrRobert Type I agenda 341,820,174 55,564
DrRobert    The Happy Place
Uceria 12137 DrRobert The Happy Place 382,936 384
DrRobert    Palatial Heights
Mount Killmore 16220 DrRobert Palatial Heights 202,291 315
DrRobert    DTA
Korch 14218 DrRobert DTA 201,960 187
DrRobert    Fire Garden
Parkog 13255 DrRobert Fire Garden 198,319 247
DrRobert    The Fourth Dimension
Qunrir 13864 DrRobert The Fourth Dimension 167,440 226
Xyr 16407 DrRobert 131,103 192
DrRobert    Dragon's Fyre
Rugnir 15338 DrRobert Dragon's Fyre 87,570 187
DrRobert    Palace Dogs
Zorskog 15117 DrRobert Palace Dogs 82,197 144
Birka 11925 DrRobert MANOWAR'S MISFITS 80,155 162