2010 rank

98,537,155 points

22,311 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Beatrix 95 the Dire    Abyss Watchers
Arvahall 2248 Beatrix 95 the Dire Abyss Watchers 136,412,450 29,945
Beatrix 95 the Dire    Fair Traders ⚖️
Langendorn 2010 Beatrix 95 the Dire Fair Traders ⚖️ 106,908,236 24,974
Beatrix 95 the Dire    Swords of Unity
Dunarsund 2420 Beatrix 95 the Dire Swords of Unity 100,373,326 26,685
Beatrix 95 the Dire    The Gentlemen's Club
Parkog 2010 Beatrix 95 the Dire The Gentlemen's Club 98,537,155 22,311
Beatrix 95 the Dire    Wynners' Guild
Noarsil 2270 Beatrix 95 the Dire Wynners' Guild 91,669,427 22,298