10777 rank

603,161 points

4,391 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bobh760    Iron Masters
Brisgard 3939 bobh760 Iron Masters 46,277,701 104,283
bobh760    Master Masons
Tuulech 3435 bobh760 Master Masons 40,012,652 5,384
bobh760    House of Windsor
Cirgard 9346 bobh760 House of Windsor 2,653,766 2,357
bobh760    Iron Masters
Arvahall 11757 bobh760 Iron Masters 2,182,531 9,025
bobh760    Master Masons
Noarsil 9004 bobh760 Master Masons 1,640,434 1,137
bobh760    Metaphysic StarGate
Korch 10209 bobh760 Metaphysic StarGate 1,117,840 807
bobh760    BLACKDAWN
Parkog 10777 bobh760 BLACKDAWN 603,161 4,391
bobh760    I need a Guild
Sinerania 11460 bobh760 I need a Guild 447,094 701
bobh760    Iron Masters
Dunarsund 14301 bobh760 Iron Masters 362,625 2,191
bobh760    TheAvengers
Dilmun 6881 bobh760 TheAvengers 98,899 312