2127 rank

101,838,325 points

10,439 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Majik the Wolf    Quest Traders
Parkog 2127 Majik the Wolf Quest Traders 101,838,325 10,439
Majik the Wolf   
Uceria 10405 Majik the Wolf 852,472 147
Majik the Wolf   
Qunrir 10595 Majik the Wolf 708,332 104
Majik the Wolf   
Odhrorvar 12456 Majik the Wolf 271,991 71
Majik the Wolf   
Vingrid 14166 Majik the Wolf 155,383 22
Majik the Wolf    play at your pace
East-Nagach 15806 Majik the Wolf play at your pace 141,518 42
Majik the Wolf   
Fel Dranghyr 16574 Majik the Wolf 82,331 35