10698 rank

683,281 points

1,600 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nilaveli    Trade winds
Dunarsund 5218 Nilaveli Trade winds 17,817,586 7,545
Nilaveli    Sea Breeze
Mount Killmore 5667 Nilaveli Sea Breeze 14,242,564 6,487
Nilaveli    Lunar Eclipse
Langendorn 5137 Nilaveli Lunar Eclipse 14,040,795 7,521
Nilaveli    Eye of the storm
East-Nagach 5740 Nilaveli Eye of the storm 13,582,787 6,274
Nilaveli    Trade winds
Korch 6097 Nilaveli Trade winds 8,953,577 5,489
Nilaveli    Heat wave
Fel Dranghyr 6651 Nilaveli Heat wave 7,814,316 4,839
Nilaveli    Dawn
Jaims 7363 Nilaveli Dawn 4,933,458 3,631
Nilaveli    Eye of the storm
Houndsmoor 8332 Nilaveli Eye of the storm 4,240,004 2,870
Nilaveli    Rising sun
Greifental 8603 Nilaveli Rising sun 2,779,855 2,690
Nilaveli    Solar Eclipse
Rugnir 7989 Nilaveli Solar Eclipse 2,711,549 2,518
Nilaveli    Trade Winds
Noarsil 8170 Nilaveli Trade Winds 2,623,112 2,491
Nilaveli    Solar Wind
Sinerania 7987 Nilaveli Solar Wind 2,540,440 2,400
Nilaveli    Shooting star
Xyr 11925 Nilaveli Shooting star 753,614 2,237
Nilaveli    Trade winds
Odhrorvar 10617 Nilaveli Trade winds 734,353 1,697
Nilaveli    Eye of the storm
Parkog 10698 Nilaveli Eye of the storm 683,281 1,600
Nilaveli    Breeze!
Carthage 6943 Nilaveli Breeze! 281,523 1,101