8970 rank

1,495,066 points

2,486 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jovian 218 the Spider   
Qunrir 2621 Jovian 218 the Spider 77,907,048 39,222
Jovian 218 the Spider   
Mount Killmore 10658 Jovian 218 the Spider 1,652,614 2,244
Jovian 218 the Spider   
Parkog 8970 Jovian 218 the Spider 1,495,066 2,486
Jovian 218 the Spider   
Fel Dranghyr 10311 Jovian 218 the Spider 1,289,745 1,650
Jovian 218 the Spider    People In The Mist
Langendorn 10796 Jovian 218 the Spider People In The Mist 737,014 1,754