5956 rank

9,347,666 points

2,979 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thor742    9th Roman Legion
Noarsil 5365 Thor742 9th Roman Legion 14,137,678 3,369
Thor742    Heavens Keepers
Arvahall 7795 Thor742 Heavens Keepers 11,354,237 3,193
Thor742    Swords of Light
Xyr 6098 Thor742 Swords of Light 10,390,302 3,131
Parkog 5956 Thor742 FORGOTTEN SOULS 9,347,666 2,979
Thor742    Lets go Brandon
Carthage 3229 Thor742 Lets go Brandon 5,823,296 1,748
Thor742    Dawn of the End
Greifental 7893 Thor742 Dawn of the End 4,552,600 1,325