9412 rank

1,169,137 points

783 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
swenoneeye    Chillaxin
Xyr 9040 swenoneeye Chillaxin 2,447,704 1,162
swenoneeye    ge life...no drama
East-Nagach 9584 swenoneeye ge life...no drama 2,269,865 1,179
swenoneeye    Gryffindor
Korch 9027 swenoneeye Gryffindor 2,061,977 1,258
swenoneeye    Farmer's Guild
Greifental 9374 swenoneeye Farmer's Guild 1,938,816 1,230
swenoneeye    John Snow
Mount Killmore 10851 swenoneeye John Snow 1,505,705 1,021
swenoneeye    Den of the Dragons
Cirgard 10641 swenoneeye Den of the Dragons 1,404,358 853
swenoneeye    Humboldt Standard
Parkog 9412 swenoneeye Humboldt Standard 1,169,137 783
swenoneeye    House of chill
Walstrand 9257 swenoneeye House of chill 1,105,519 657
swenoneeye    Fun times
Angkor 10334 swenoneeye Fun times 624,037 528
swenoneeye    Secret Government
Carthage 9916 swenoneeye Secret Government 101,879 64