8637 rank

1,812,324 points

625 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tarquinus 2502 the Lion    Ravenwood
Langendorn 8129 Tarquinus 2502 the Lion Ravenwood 3,018,691 1,353
Tarquinus 2502 the Lion   
Parkog 8637 Tarquinus 2502 the Lion 1,812,324 625
Tarquinus 2502 the Lion    Guns and Roses
Uceria 9779 Tarquinus 2502 the Lion Guns and Roses 1,180,448 653
Tarquinus 2502 the Lion    Friendly Traders
Rugnir 12317 Tarquinus 2502 the Lion Friendly Traders 350,609 395