7848 rank

2,893,698 points

547 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Korch 8211 Chuckybob 3,367,018 544
Fel Dranghyr 8539 Chuckybob 3,276,747 651
Chuckybob    Power Empire
Mount Killmore 9266 Chuckybob Power Empire 3,171,938 650
Arvahall 10874 Chuckybob 3,156,179 882
Chuckybob    Knights Templar
Angkor 7366 Chuckybob Knights Templar 2,919,131 461
Chuckybob    Tree Climbers
Parkog 7848 Chuckybob Tree Climbers 2,893,698 547
Chuckybob    Need to Be Alone
Xyr 8744 Chuckybob Need to Be Alone 2,872,811 601
Chuckybob    Hidden Leaf
Qunrir 8185 Chuckybob Hidden Leaf 2,674,184 547
Birka 5692 Chuckybob 2,442,056 679
Chuckybob    Wreaking Havoc
Noarsil 8310 Chuckybob Wreaking Havoc 2,437,486 517
Chuckybob    John 3:16
Yorkton 8591 Chuckybob John 3:16 1,996,512 419
Chuckybob    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Carthage 4585 Chuckybob Kingdom of Jerusalem 1,741,682 306