7904 rank

2,802,763 points

8,412 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
troy the drinkers    GreenPeace
Arvahall 8221 troy the drinkers GreenPeace 8,859,078 14,161
troy the drinkers    Zero Drama
Langendorn 7255 troy the drinkers Zero Drama 5,081,649 12,737
troy the drinkers    Just Casual
Xyr 7701 troy the drinkers Just Casual 4,718,917 9,298
troy the drinkers    The New Age
Tuulech 7332 troy the drinkers The New Age 3,838,670 8,555
troy the drinkers   
Carthage 3627 troy the drinkers 3,524,135 9,451
troy the drinkers   
Angkor 7240 troy the drinkers 2,898,096 8,131
troy the drinkers    MOG
Parkog 7904 troy the drinkers MOG 2,802,763 8,412
troy the drinkers    Knights who say "Ni"
Korch 9598 troy the drinkers Knights who say "Ni" 1,522,546 5,253