4451 rank

21,680,192 points

10,977 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Julius 1929 the Intrepid    The Legend of Ogicu
Cirgard 2240 Julius 1929 the Intrepid The Legend of Ogicu 113,276,514 83,133
Julius 1929 the Intrepid    Retirement
Houndsmoor 3542 Julius 1929 the Intrepid Retirement 49,868,501 31,729
Julius 1929 the Intrepid    Mayberry
Parkog 4451 Julius 1929 the Intrepid Mayberry 21,680,192 10,977
Julius 1929 the Intrepid   
Arvahall 21648 Julius 1929 the Intrepid 77,589 121