9952 rank

885,033 points

693 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
onejolie    The HappyPlace
Arvahall 12645 onejolie The HappyPlace 1,544,717 1,035
onejolie    Nova Poinex
Carthage 4914 onejolie Nova Poinex 1,340,030 986
onejolie    northern royal
Brisgard 12023 onejolie northern royal 1,252,329 907
onejolie    Dracones Taberna
Zorskog 9475 onejolie Dracones Taberna 993,487 859
onejolie    Smaugs Roost 🍺
Houndsmoor 11751 onejolie Smaugs Roost 🍺 885,328 813
onejolie    Chill'in
Parkog 9952 onejolie Chill'in 885,033 693
onejolie    Iron crown
Vingrid 10548 onejolie Iron crown 807,957 785
onejolie    UTMCB (DE)
Walstrand 9944 onejolie UTMCB (DE) 777,276 562
onejolie    Boom
Rugnir 10906 onejolie Boom 642,553 581
onejolie    Adc
Cirgard 15444 onejolie Adc 206,950 170