5693 rank

11,006,905 points

3,140 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
David 1791 the Mighty    gemini
Rugnir 5561 David 1791 the Mighty gemini 12,178,561 3,386
David 1791 the Mighty    Just One Rule
Tuulech 5597 David 1791 the Mighty Just One Rule 11,286,787 2,984
David 1791 the Mighty    The Forge Brigade
Parkog 5693 David 1791 the Mighty The Forge Brigade 11,006,905 3,140
David 1791 the Mighty    Empire of the Dragon
Qunrir 5876 David 1791 the Mighty Empire of the Dragon 10,607,444 3,165