4425 rank

21,990,954 points

27,143 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
KingCrono    WeServeThe CHAMPION
Noarsil 3973 KingCrono WeServeThe CHAMPION 32,188,414 49,355
KingCrono    New Era
Parkog 4425 KingCrono New Era 21,990,954 27,143
KingCrono    The Golden Hoard
Zorskog 6500 KingCrono The Golden Hoard 5,269,922 6,593
KingCrono    Resistance
Angkor 7525 KingCrono Resistance 2,628,959 2,712
KingCrono    War and Peace
Greifental 9216 KingCrono War and Peace 2,119,633 2,432