12715 rank

236,421 points

322 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Basiliscus 5242 the Hard    Kingdom of Jerusalem
East-Nagach 13611 Basiliscus 5242 the Hard Kingdom of Jerusalem 368,205 351
Basiliscus 5242 the Hard   
Parkog 12715 Basiliscus 5242 the Hard 236,421 322
Basiliscus 5242 the Hard   
Birka 9845 Basiliscus 5242 the Hard 226,649 244
Basiliscus 5242 the Hard   
Yorkton 13731 Basiliscus 5242 the Hard 202,030 212
Basiliscus 5242 the Hard   
Jaims 14481 Basiliscus 5242 the Hard 167,163 193
Basiliscus 5242 the Hard    wolves
Carthage 8921 Basiliscus 5242 the Hard wolves 164,715 241