7965 rank

3,055,866 points

2,729 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brutus 608 the Hunter   
Walstrand 7122 Brutus 608 the Hunter 3,831,319 2,970
Brutus 608 the Hunter    New Legion
Langendorn 7974 Brutus 608 the Hunter New Legion 3,335,912 3,034
Brutus 608 the Hunter    💎Diamond Farmers💎
Zorskog 7303 Brutus 608 the Hunter 💎Diamond Farmers💎 3,154,233 2,857
Brutus 608 the Hunter    Knights who say "Ni"
Vingrid 7960 Brutus 608 the Hunter Knights who say "Ni" 3,072,445 2,695
Brutus 608 the Hunter    Rebel Warriors
Qunrir 7965 Brutus 608 the Hunter Rebel Warriors 3,055,866 2,729