11351 rank

492,837 points

1,801 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Titus 576 the Valiant    ,mendogrown
Odhrorvar 10842 Titus 576 the Valiant ,mendogrown 595,120 1,913
Titus 576 the Valiant    Stoners United
Noarsil 11040 Titus 576 the Valiant Stoners United 574,998 1,788
Titus 576 the Valiant    The mend
Zorskog 10706 Titus 576 the Valiant The mend 560,501 1,812
Titus 576 the Valiant    Bud
Qunrir 11351 Titus 576 the Valiant Bud 492,837 1,801
Titus 576 the Valiant    Relic Age
Walstrand 11207 Titus 576 the Valiant Relic Age 415,892 1,695
Titus 576 the Valiant    Mendo
Langendorn 11957 Titus 576 the Valiant Mendo 411,875 1,608
Titus 576 the Valiant    Supplement
Cirgard 20028 Titus 576 the Valiant Supplement 31,831 174
Titus 576 the Valiant    Everyone Welcome
Brisgard 22578 Titus 576 the Valiant Everyone Welcome 23,432 122