955 rank

247,391,660 points

74,946 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xorev    Ancora
Houndsmoor 62 Xorev Ancora 1,866,797,161 419,162
Xorev    🦁The PRIDE🦁
Fel Dranghyr 835 Xorev 🦁The PRIDE🦁 315,779,336 40,806
Xorev    The Iron Alliance
Jaims 849 Xorev The Iron Alliance 272,853,406 33,719
Xorev    House Mondegreen
Greifental 959 Xorev House Mondegreen 257,533,860 33,662
Xorev    SyRaiders
Qunrir 955 Xorev SyRaiders 247,391,660 74,946
Xorev    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 1108 Xorev 🛰 firefly 211,115,242 23,472
Xorev    The Fifth Column
Parkog 1012 Xorev The Fifth Column 207,077,064 23,700
Xorev    Camelot
Odhrorvar 1102 Xorev Camelot 200,922,597 23,658
Xorev    House of the Dragon
Brisgard 1209 Xorev House of the Dragon 197,550,334 45,957
Xorev    Southern Seas
Xyr 1391 Xorev Southern Seas 122,436,570 32,677
Xorev    Defiance
Uceria 2044 Xorev Defiance 84,054,524 27,717
Xorev    REDE〽️PTION⚔️
Birka 995 Xorev REDE〽️PTION⚔️ 77,523,421 64,249
Xorev    Tartaros
Carthage 1476 Xorev Tartaros 16,267,942 27,707