921 rank

355,379,697 points

106,892 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xorev    Ancora
Houndsmoor 40 Xorev Ancora 3,050,466,632 660,880
Xorev    🦁The PRIDE🦁
Fel Dranghyr 862 Xorev 🦁The PRIDE🦁 422,677,753 53,943
Xorev    The Collective
Brisgard 882 Xorev The Collective 409,289,580 95,472
Xorev    The Iron Alliance
Jaims 858 Xorev The Iron Alliance 385,842,837 49,193
Xorev    SyRaiders
Qunrir 921 Xorev SyRaiders 355,379,697 106,892
Xorev    House Mondegreen
Greifental 1043 Xorev House Mondegreen 330,271,093 43,089
Xorev    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 1154 Xorev 🛰 firefly 292,049,877 31,468
Xorev    Camelot
Odhrorvar 1102 Xorev Camelot 283,484,652 31,988
Xorev    The Fifth Column
Parkog 1051 Xorev The Fifth Column 272,664,291 31,178
Xorev    Southern Seas
Xyr 1454 Xorev Southern Seas 160,482,376 42,425
Xorev    Knights Tempest
Birka 1011 Xorev Knights Tempest 120,945,737 77,010
Xorev    Defiance
Uceria 2004 Xorev Defiance 119,033,572 37,136
Xorev    Tartaros
Carthage 835 Xorev Tartaros 71,121,727 74,554