4546 rank

20,914,444 points

16,904 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pompeia 1112 the Strong   
East-Nagach 161 Pompeia 1112 the Strong 1,407,884,665 534,819
Pompeia 1112 the Strong    AmityIsland SurfShop
Yorkton 1231 Pompeia 1112 the Strong AmityIsland SurfShop 169,218,368 110,431
Pompeia 1112 the Strong    AmityIsland BaitShop
Fel Dranghyr 4653 Pompeia 1112 the Strong AmityIsland BaitShop 22,531,771 46,878
Pompeia 1112 the Strong    Diamond Farmers
Qunrir 4546 Pompeia 1112 the Strong Diamond Farmers 20,914,444 16,904