4667 rank

19,661,361 points

6,163 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BeltTheBuilder    Lazytown
Brisgard 4659 BeltTheBuilder Lazytown 28,872,948 9,151
Vingrid 4264 BeltTheBuilder 22,936,577 8,327
BeltTheBuilder    Council of Elrond #2
Qunrir 4667 BeltTheBuilder Council of Elrond #2 19,661,361 6,163
BeltTheBuilder    Brief Respite
Angkor 3836 BeltTheBuilder Brief Respite 18,857,898 6,433
BeltTheBuilder    💎 Two Rivers 💎
East-Nagach 5592 BeltTheBuilder 💎 Two Rivers 💎 16,351,321 5,473