15631 rank

93,040 points

23 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ozymandia    Scarlet Justice
Arvahall 211 Ozymandia Scarlet Justice 1,026,591,545 537,059
Ozymandia    Empire Builders
Dunarsund 1103 Ozymandia Empire Builders 234,555,829 123,360
Ozymandia    Justice Team
East-Nagach 1298 Ozymandia Justice Team 198,647,929 114,471
Ozymandia    Smokin' Hot
Mount Killmore 5290 Ozymandia Smokin' Hot 16,878,202 6,757
Rugnir 5952 Ozymandia 8,246,565 3,938
Ozymandia    World's Center
Greifental 7300 Ozymandia World's Center 5,636,337 2,066
Odhrorvar 7262 Ozymandia 4,106,978 2,226
Brisgard 9730 Ozymandia 2,868,498 1,041
Ozymandia    Long Over Due
Jaims 9980 Ozymandia Long Over Due 1,312,255 121
Ozymandia    Diamond Traders
Parkog 10716 Ozymandia Diamond Traders 681,683 97
Sinerania 11648 Ozymandia 479,461 69
Ozymandia    Mithral Order
Korch 12511 Ozymandia Mithral Order 445,017 103
Ozymandia    GOT furreal
Tuulech 12153 Ozymandia GOT furreal 341,619 52
Ozymandia    WolvesBane
Fel Dranghyr 15709 Ozymandia WolvesBane 158,364 45
Ozymandia    The Coven
Houndsmoor 17565 Ozymandia The Coven 108,985 46
Ozymandia    Kingdom of Vikings
Langendorn 15764 Ozymandia Kingdom of Vikings 96,605 34
Ozymandia    Buckshot's Bruisers
Qunrir 15631 Ozymandia Buckshot's Bruisers 93,040 23
Vingrid 16264 Ozymandia 81,253 25