3893 rank

33,308,629 points

27,398 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lhprop1    Nebula’s Fury
Tuulech 659 lhprop1 Nebula’s Fury 446,752,509 167,169
lhprop1    King’s Guard
Vingrid 2664 lhprop1 King’s Guard 68,435,818 45,660
lhprop1    EZTraders
Qunrir 3893 lhprop1 EZTraders 33,308,629 27,398
lhprop1    Play Your Own Pace
Brisgard 8261 lhprop1 Play Your Own Pace 6,715,027 9,249
lhprop1    Odds and Ends
Arvahall 9351 lhprop1 Odds and Ends 6,053,775 10,833