6530 rank

7,382,122 points

21,465 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dane the wicked    Heroes and Villains
Zorskog 249 Dane the wicked Heroes and Villains 901,952,459 513,398
Dane the wicked    🏴‍☠️Rogue Angels 🕊
Mount Killmore 841 Dane the wicked 🏴‍☠️Rogue Angels 🕊 394,084,586 335,725
Dane the wicked    Followers of Christ
Qunrir 6530 Dane the wicked Followers of Christ 7,382,122 21,465
Dane the wicked    The United Lords
Uceria 7266 Dane the wicked The United Lords 5,040,465 16,694
Dane the wicked    Know Nothing Crusade
Korch 8554 Dane the wicked Know Nothing Crusade 2,712,853 11,711