10253 rank

925,185 points

341 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thag 1478 the Hard    Mobile Only
Birka 6795 Thag 1478 the Hard Mobile Only 988,965 396
Thag 1478 the Hard    Family Fighters
Qunrir 10253 Thag 1478 the Hard Family Fighters 925,185 341
Thag 1478 the Hard    Ale-nation
Rugnir 10434 Thag 1478 the Hard Ale-nation 846,910 434
Thag 1478 the Hard    NEWHOPE
Yorkton 10383 Thag 1478 the Hard NEWHOPE 801,532 383
Thag 1478 the Hard    aayemin
Dilmun 4648 Thag 1478 the Hard aayemin 283,092 121