10209 rank

883,362 points

899 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
IslandGirlFriday    The Lone Wolf
Noarsil 4643 IslandGirlFriday The Lone Wolf 20,028,751 11,327
IslandGirlFriday    The Lone Wolf
Qunrir 10209 IslandGirlFriday The Lone Wolf 883,362 899
IslandGirlFriday    Nazgul of Angmar
Dunarsund 14060 IslandGirlFriday Nazgul of Angmar 407,158 317
IslandGirlFriday    The Nutcracker
Fel Dranghyr 14362 IslandGirlFriday The Nutcracker 234,846 253