6825 rank

5,733,804 points

11,006 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Catherine 3066 the Wise   
Angkor 4752 Catherine 3066 the Wise 9,867,882 16,611
Catherine 3066 the Wise   
Rugnir 5969 Catherine 3066 the Wise 8,209,577 12,960
Catherine 3066 the Wise   
Birka 3820 Catherine 3066 the Wise 6,910,888 13,933
Catherine 3066 the Wise    Diamond Miner
Qunrir 6825 Catherine 3066 the Wise Diamond Miner 5,733,804 11,006
Catherine 3066 the Wise   
Brisgard 10509 Catherine 3066 the Wise 2,080,391 5,561
Catherine 3066 the Wise    Diamonds-4-Ever
Greifental 11189 Catherine 3066 the Wise Diamonds-4-Ever 804,032 2,241