12313 rank

308,060 points

102 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Angkor 9177 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 1,093,607 477
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Zorskog 9352 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 1,031,880 450
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Walstrand 10132 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 700,312 373
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Birka 7720 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 690,941 401
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Yorkton 10838 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 659,480 329
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Uceria 11024 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 616,450 263
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Xyr 12239 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 590,030 359
Marty the Great    Oregom Guild
Arvahall 15618 Marty the Great Oregom Guild 547,259 145
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Tuulech 11036 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 488,789 239
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Vingrid 11847 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 434,718 261
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Brisgard 14838 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 424,239 150
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Cirgard 13520 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 421,471 105
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Dunarsund 14311 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 348,518 98
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Qunrir 12313 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 308,060 102
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
East-Nagach 14265 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 273,514 41
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Fel Dranghyr 13960 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 253,969 61
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Odhrorvar 12536 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 253,738 66
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Greifental 13650 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 251,787 55
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Parkog 12557 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 247,425 80
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Jaims 13602 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 244,074 75
Marty the Great   
Houndsmoor 15023 Marty the Great 237,842 47
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Noarsil 12942 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 230,695 49
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Sinerania 12937 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 227,199 146
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Rugnir 13085 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 220,163 86
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Mount Killmore 15826 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 219,825 59
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Korch 13883 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 217,926 44
Marty the Great    Oregon Guild
Langendorn 13245 Marty the Great Oregon Guild 217,526 45