13509 rank

176,422 points

118 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
therookster    Skull Bones
Arvahall 16483 therookster Skull Bones 414,841 172
therookster    Rise
Tuulech 12143 therookster Rise 289,024 112
therookster    603
Brisgard 16518 therookster 603 235,773 129
therookster    the shadows
Qunrir 13509 therookster the shadows 176,422 118
therookster    Mithral Order
Parkog 13400 therookster Mithral Order 175,656 99
therookster    Pictish Knights
Cirgard 15998 therookster Pictish Knights 165,884 104
therookster    7 Fold
Noarsil 14405 therookster 7 Fold 120,989 63
therookster    Z Nation
Uceria 15077 therookster Z Nation 91,011 69