1343 rank

216,862,698 points

39,128 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
neoloki    Spartans
Qunrir 1343 neoloki Spartans 216,862,698 39,128
neoloki    The Dark Horse
Tuulech 1311 neoloki The Dark Horse 211,401,356 60,080
neoloki    Hardwood Forest
Parkog 1280 neoloki Hardwood Forest 210,316,729 42,481
neoloki    War Dogs
Uceria 1422 neoloki War Dogs 196,986,351 43,942
neoloki    Raiding Traders
Sinerania 1603 neoloki Raiding Traders 169,681,235 28,934
neoloki    ANTI-GUILD
Rugnir 1742 neoloki ANTI-GUILD 144,588,408 30,611