1795 rank

140,366,396 points

13,223 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jimmy 144 the Impaler    Stryker
Qunrir 1795 Jimmy 144 the Impaler Stryker 140,366,396 13,223
Jimmy 144 the Impaler    RollerCoaster
Odhrorvar 3006 Jimmy 144 the Impaler RollerCoaster 56,877,505 5,690
Jimmy 144 the Impaler    Dixie Pride
Uceria 4102 Jimmy 144 the Impaler Dixie Pride 28,521,863 3,182
Jimmy 144 the Impaler    Theoldpharts
Langendorn 5237 Jimmy 144 the Impaler Theoldpharts 15,371,328 2,858
Jimmy 144 the Impaler    Annagard
Dilmun 1929 Jimmy 144 the Impaler Annagard 10,019,845 1,927