2649 rank

73,813,144 points

12,522 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Urania 172 the Glorious    Wind at Our Backs
East-Nagach 1360 Urania 172 the Glorious Wind at Our Backs 253,920,688 50,205
Urania 172 the Glorious    New Era
Parkog 1483 Urania 172 the Glorious New Era 166,803,088 46,002
Urania 172 the Glorious    gabe
Qunrir 2649 Urania 172 the Glorious gabe 73,813,144 12,522
Urania 172 the Glorious    Topshelf
Dunarsund 3222 Urania 172 the Glorious Topshelf 65,950,044 9,414
Urania 172 the Glorious    Serbia1389
Tuulech 2800 Urania 172 the Glorious Serbia1389 61,080,955 9,678
Urania 172 the Glorious    Redbirds
Fel Dranghyr 3178 Urania 172 the Glorious Redbirds 60,476,514 11,719
Urania 172 the Glorious    House of Greed
Uceria 2908 Urania 172 the Glorious House of Greed 60,308,317 10,847
Urania 172 the Glorious    Lamar
Mount Killmore 3342 Urania 172 the Glorious Lamar 57,208,597 11,717
Urania 172 the Glorious    BridgeBurners
Brisgard 4343 Urania 172 the Glorious BridgeBurners 37,778,152 7,477
Urania 172 the Glorious    Romans & Minoans
Odhrorvar 3888 Urania 172 the Glorious Romans & Minoans 32,843,418 7,898