10760 rank

736,972 points

1,273 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
Brisgard 2231 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 91,293,802 15,854
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
Rugnir 5007 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 13,305,886 2,809
N.M.E. of the St8    🐺 Wolf Pack 🐺
Uceria 5135 N.M.E. of the St8 🐺 Wolf Pack 🐺 13,275,707 3,424
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
Parkog 5506 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 10,389,780 3,800
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
East-Nagach 8969 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 2,888,768 1,173
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
Korch 8540 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 2,490,722 1,187
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
Dunarsund 10482 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 1,642,660 1,095
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
Cirgard 10848 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 1,246,685 1,199
N.M.E. of the St8    K.Y.F.H.O.
Qunrir 10760 N.M.E. of the St8 K.Y.F.H.O. 736,972 1,273